Lettere - Emilio Isgrò

To remember the sixtieth year since the death of Osvaldo Licini, the Centro Studi and the municipality of Monte Vidon Corrado presents an exhibition of Emilio Isgrò: the Casa Museo will host a small, nonetheless valuable and unusual, selection of works of one of the most renown post-war artists. The exhibition – curated by Marco Bazzini and Daniela Simoni, in collaboration with Archivio Emilio Isgrò – will focus on some works from the Seventies, yet known by the public as “lettere estratte” (extracted letters), one of the most radical episodes from his investigation on the relationship between the language and the image. Single consonants and vowels, but also punctuations, numbers and notes are floating, as they were lost in the space, inside a wide white field. 

curated by Marco Bazzini and Daniela Simoni

in collaboration cwith Archivio Emilio Isgrò

Casa Museo Centro Studi Osvaldo Licini
Monte Vidon Corrado

opening July 21 h. 21.30

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